FREE Printable Bible Study Worksheet


I used to hear this all of the time in my years in Student Ministries: “I want to study my Bible, but I just don’t know where to start.” Me too, friend, me too!

Actually, it took years for me to learn how to study the Bible and read it in a way that brings life change to the surface right away. But I don’t think that studying the Bible should be hard or scary! That’s why I created this Bible Study Worksheet to help you get the most out of your time in God’s Word in a simple format that combines Inductive Bible Study (looking at God’s Word for what it is and learning directly from the text) along with some other simple journaling tools.

How do I use the Bible Study Worksheet?

I designed this Bible Study Worksheet so that you don’t have to know much about how to use it in order to follow along! But in case you still like to know the purpose for every section, I will list those below so that you can review the Worksheet before you print it out and start using it.

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B I B L E S T U D Y :
This is where you can write the name of the BIBLE STUDY that you are going to work through. This is especially helpful if you want to save your worksheets in a binder or folder or staple together all of the worksheets from one study once you have finished. There is also a space to write out the DATE if you want to keep track of when you did your study.

P A S S A G E :
The PASSAGE section is different from the Bible Study section because this is where you will want to get more specific. Like you see in the example, the Bible Study we are working on is James, but the specific passage we are studying is Chapter 1, verses 1-18.

O B S E R V A T I O N :
When you are working on the OBSERVATION section during your study, you want to ask yourself “What does this passage say?” It is important to take a look at the context (the time in history, what else is going on, why was this book or letter written) and focus on some of the details you see in this passage. Observation is all about finding the facts and pieces of information that tell you exactly what is going on!

I N T E R P R E T A T I O N :
When you are reading your passage for INTERPRETATION, you want to ask yourself “What does this passage mean?” Now that you know the context and what is going on (the facts), you want to be able to take a step back and look at the big picture. Why was this important and what is the purpose?

A P P L I C A T I O N :
Once you have worked through observation and interpretation of the text, you want to take time to look for some APPLICATION for your own life. How will you apply what you just studied to your personal life? I want to challenge you to consider specific and actionable application that you can put into practice right away! It can be so easy to look at application as a “someday” life change, but it’s when we start to make small steps of life change during our time in God’s Word that we see the real fruit of our study!

P R A Y E R R E S P O N S E :
One of my favorite parts of journaling my time in God’s Word is writing out my prayers to Him (PRAYER RESPONSE). Try this yourself and end your time of study with a short prayer to God, reflecting on what you just read and your desire to apply it to your life.

K E Y V E R S E :
The KEY VERSE is a great way to remember what you have been studying! Is there one verse that sums up the main point of the passage that you just read? Or perhaps you want to use this section to write down a verse that stood out to you during your study. My challenge to you is to also take this one step further and work on memorizing a verse from your time in God’s Word!

M A I N I D E A :
Have you ever finished studying a passage of the Bible and then had someone ask you a few hours later what you were reading and find yourself at a loss for what it was you were even studying? *Hand raised* I’m guilty of that! One of the best ways to remember what you read is to write out a short sentence or phrase of the MAIN IDEA of that passage that you were studying! Try to keep it as simple and short as possible.

P R A Y E R S & P R A I S E S :
I love incorporating PRAYERS & PRAISES into my time of Bible Study. Sometimes God might bring someone or something to mind that you want to thank Him and praise Him for or maybe a prayer request comes to mind for yourself or someone else because of what you were studying. Keep a list of those prayers/praises so that someday when you come back to reflect on your study in the future, you can hopefully reflect on how God answered those prayers!

A C C O U N T A B I L I T Y :
I love this section for ACCOUNTABILITY because it can help me to focus my time and my application so that I have to make it intentional and live it out! Perhaps you want to find a close friend or family member and ask them to be your accountability partner during your Bible Study (or maybe they want to study along with you!). Use this section to write out one or two simple ways that you want someone else to keep you accountable for something - whether that is your time studying God’s Word or something specific that you wrote out for application and life change.

Are you ready to download the worksheet and get more intentional with your time studying the Bible?


Wisdom in Proverbs


James 5