If you have a graduate in your life that needs some additional encouragement, consider sending them a small gift to congratulate them for making it through high school - especially during such a crazy, unique season of life! I have curated a few items that I love and think will most encouraging to seniors as they are preparing to head off to college (and hopefully that’s not just online classes this fall, am I right?!).
Staying connected with people should not just stop at quick texts or hello’s - it’s important that we go deeper! This is why it’s so crucial to have close friends or a small group of people in your life to challenge you, encourage you, and keep you accountable to what you are learning and living. So how are we supposed to stay connected with a community of people when we can’t get out of our houses and see them in person? Are there still ways that we can get intentional with how we stay connected with our friends or our small group that used to meet together?
I used to hear this all of the time in my years in Student Ministries: “I want to study my Bible, but I just don’t know where to start.” Me too, friend, me too!
Actually, it took years for me to learn how to study the Bible and read it in a way that brings life change to the surface right away. But I don’t think that studying the Bible should be hard or scary! That’s why I created this Bible Study Worksheet to help you get the most out of your time in God’s Word in a simple format that combines Inductive Bible Study (looking at God’s Word for what it is and learning directly from the text) along with some other simple journaling tools.